Chinese Journal of Contemporary Neurology and Neurosurgery ›› 2018, Vol. 18 ›› Issue (6): 428-437. doi: 10.3969/j.issn.1672-6731.2018.06.008

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Clinical phenotype, gene mutation and application of targeted next generation sequencing in patients with early-onset epileptic encephalopathy

LIU Xiao-jun1, ZHANG Pei-yuan1, LEI Mei-fang1, WEI Xin-ping1, YU Xiao-li1, LI Dong1, SHU Jian-bo2, CAI Chun-quan3, ZHANG Yu-qin1   

  1. 1Department of Neurology, 3Department of Neurosurgery, Tianjin Children's Hospital, Tianjin 300314, China
    2Tianjin Institute of Pediatrics, Tianjin 300074, China
  • Online:2018-06-25 Published:2018-06-07
  • Contact: ZHANG Yu-qin (Email:
  • Supported by:

    This study was supported by Natural Science Foundation of Tianjin, China for Young Scholars (No.16JCQNJC11900) and Key Project of Tianjin Health Care Professionals (No. 16KG166).


刘晓军, 张培元, 雷梅芳, 韦新平, 于晓莉, 李东, 舒剑波, 蔡春泉, 张玉琴   

  1. 300134 天津市儿童医院神经内科(刘晓军、张培元、雷梅芳、韦新平、于晓莉、李东、张玉琴),神经外科(蔡春泉);300074 天津市儿科研究所(舒剑波)
  • 通讯作者: 张玉琴(
  • 基金资助:



Objective  To study the clinical features and gene mutations of early-onset epileptic encephalopathy (EOEE) and to explore the application in pathogenic diagnosis of EOEE by next generation sequencing.  Methods  The clinical data of 68 cases diagnosed with unexplained EOEE between June 2014 and December 2017 were obtained and analyzed. Specimens were collected from the selected children and their parents. Next generation sequencing was used to detect epilepsy ? related genes, and Sanger sequencing was performed to verify the results and confirm the source of parents, further to identify suspected pathogenic mutations of EOEE. Results Among 68 cases with EOEE, 18 cases (26.47%) were detected with epilepsy?related genes. One was diagnosed as pyridoxine dependent epilepsy (PDE), which was caused by ALDH7A1 mutation. One was diagnosed as thiamine metabolism dysfunction syndrome 2 (THMD2), which was caused by SLC19A3 mutation. Among 13 cases of epilepsy syndrome, 6 cases were diagnosed as Dravet's syndrome (DS), 5 caused by SCN1A missense mutation and one by SCN1A nonsense mutation; 4 cases were diagnosed as infantile spasm (IS), one caused by TSC1 nonsense mutation but the pathogenicity can not be identified while pathogenic mutations were not detected in other 3 cases; 2 cases were diagnosed as Ohtahara's syndrome (OS), one caused by STXBP1 missense mutation and pathogenic mutation was not found in the other; one case of malignant migrating partial seizures in infancy (MMPEI)
was not found the pathogenic mutations. Among 53 cases with non-specific EOEE, suspected pathogenic mutations were detected in 9 cases: one case of  CN8A missense mutation, one case of KCNQ2 missense mutation, one case of KCNH5 missense mutation, one case of CACNA1A missense mutation, 2 cases of CDKL5 nonsense mutation, one case of CDKL5 frame-shift mutation, one case of PCDH19 nonsense mutation and one case of GRIN2A missense mutation. All cases were treated by 2 and more antiepileptic drugs (AEDs), one case of PDE was given vitamin B6 20 mg/(kg·d), and one case of THMD2 was given vitamin B1 25 mg/(kg·d) and biotin 2 mg/(kg·d). After followed by 6 months to 8 years, 15 cases (22.06%) were seizure free, 21 cases (30.88% ) were part of control and 32 cases (47.06% ) were out of control.  Conclusions  The clinical phenotypes of children with unexplained EOEE are varied. One case was diagnosed as PDE and one as THMD2 after gene sequencing. After treated by etiological treatment, patients with remediable genetic disease were seizure free. Some gene sites were denovo mutations which have not been reported such as missense mutation for SCN1A, STXBP1, KCNH5, CACNA1A, frame-shift mutation for CDKL5, and onsense mutation for PCDH19, which enriched the mutation spectrum of EOEE.


Key words: Epilepsy, Brain diseases, Genes, Mutation, Sequence analysis


目的 总结早期癫性脑病患儿临床表型和基因突变特征,探讨二代基因测序在病因诊断中的应用。 方法 收集68 例早期癫性脑病患儿临床资料,采集患儿及其父母外周静脉血,采用二代基因测序筛选可疑致病性突变,并经Sanger 测序验证基因突变来源。 结果 68 例早期癫性脑病患儿中18 例(26.47%)检测出癫相关致病基因,明确诊断为吡哆醇依赖性癫1 例,系ALDH7A1 基因突变所致;硫胺素代谢紊乱综合征2 型1 例,系SLC19A3 基因突变所致。13 例病因明确的癫综合征中
Dravet综合征6 例,5 例系SCN1A 基因错义突变所致,1 例系SCN1A 基因无义突变所致;婴儿痉挛症4 例,1 例系TSC1 基因无义突变所致,但无法确定该基因的致病性,3 例未见可疑致病性突变;早期婴儿型癫性脑病(亦称为大田原综合征)2 例,1 例系STXBP1 基因错义突变所致,1 例未见可疑致病性突变;婴儿严重局灶性游走性癫1 例,未见可疑致病性突变。53 例非特异性癫性脑病中9 例发现可疑致病性突变,1 例为SCN8A 基因错义突变、1 例KCNQ2 基因错义突变、1 例CNH5 基因错义突变、1 例CACNA1A 基因错义突变、2 例CDKL5 基因无义突变、1 例CDKL5 基因框移突变、1 例PCDH19 基因无义突变、1 例GRIN2A 基因错义突变。均予2 种及以上抗癫药物治疗,1 例明确诊断为吡哆醇依赖性癫后,予维生素B6 20 mg/(kg·d);1 例明确诊断为硫胺素代谢紊乱综合征2 型后,予维生素B1 25 mg/(kg·d)和生物素2 mg/(kg·d)。平均随访6 个月至8 年,15 例(22.06%)癫发作控制良好,21 例(30.88%)癫发作部分控制,32 例(47.06%)癫发作未控制。结论早期癫性脑病临床表型多样,经基因检测明确诊断吡哆醇依赖性癫和硫胺素代谢紊乱综合征2 型各1 例,对于可治疗的遗传性疾病针对病因治,癫发作控制良好。3 例SCN1A 基因错义突变、1 例STXBP1 基因错义突变、1 例KCNH5 基因错义突变、1 例CACNA1A 基因错义突变、1 例CDKL5 基因框移突变、1 例PCDH19 基因无义突变为新发突变,丰富了早期癫性脑病的临床表型和基因谱。

关键词: 癫痫, 脑疾病, 基因, 突变, 序列分析