中国现代神经疾病杂志 ›› 2017, Vol. 17 ›› Issue (11): 840-845. doi: 10.3969/j.issn.1672-6731.2017.11.011

• 临床研究 • 上一篇    下一篇

2 体重指数和腹围指数对缺血性卒中部位和病因的影响

郝新宇, 于士柱, 李华, 蔡桂淑   

  1. 300400 天津市北辰医院神经内科(郝新宇,李华,蔡桂淑);300052 天津医科大学总医院 天津市神经病学研究所 天津市神经损伤变异与再生重点实验室 教育部中枢神经创伤修复与再生重点实验室(于士柱)
  • 出版日期:2017-11-25 发布日期:2017-11-29
  • 通讯作者: 郝新宇(
  • 基金资助:


Effect of body mass index and abdominal girth index on location and etiology of ischemic stroke

HAO Xin-yu1, YU Shi-zhu2, LI Hua1, CAI Gui-shu1   

  1. 1Department of Neurology, Tianjin Beichen Hospital, Tianjin 300400, China
    2Tianjin Medical University General Hospital; Tianjin Neurological Institute; Tianjin Key Laboratory of Injuries, Variations and Regeneration of Nervous System; Key Laboratory of Post-trauma Neuro-repair and Regeneration in Central Nervous System, Ministry of Education, Tianjin 300052, China
  • Online:2017-11-25 Published:2017-11-29
  • Contact: HAO Xin-yu (Email:
  • Supported by:

    This study was supported by Science and Technology Development Project of Beichen District, Tianjin, China (No. BC2014-18).


目的 探讨体重指数(BMI)和腹围指数(AGI)对缺血性卒中部位和病因的影响,以判断二者能否预测缺血性卒中病因和发病机制。方法 共185 例急性缺血性卒中患者和性别、年龄、既往史相匹配的155 例正常对照者,测量身高和体重并计算体重指数,测量腹围并计算腹围指数,进行英国牛津郡社区脑卒中项目(OCSP)分型和TOAST 分型。结果 缺血性卒中患者超重(BMI 24.00 ~ 27.90 kg/m2)亚组(t = 2.060,P = 0.000)和肥胖(BMI ≥ 28 kg/m2)亚组(t = 2.315,P = 0.000)体重指数均高于正常对照者,腹围异常(AGI>1 cm/kg)亚组腹围指数高于正常对照者(t = 1.021,P = 0.000)。185 例急性缺血性卒中患者据OCSP 分型分为完全前循环梗死型(TACI 型)10 例(5.41%)、部分前循环梗死型(PACI 型)81 例(43.78%)、腔隙性梗死型(LACI型)56例(30.27%)和后循环梗死型(POCI型)38例(20.54%);不同体重指数患者仅PACI 型比例差异有统计学意义(H = 7.041,P = 0.011),24.00 ~ 27.90 kg/m2 亚组PACI 型比例高于< 18.50 kg/m2 亚组(Z = 4.823,P = 0.028)、18.50 ~ 23.90 kg/m2 亚组(Z = 3.157,P = 0.026)和≥ 28 kg/m2 亚组(Z = 2.076,P = 0.015);不同腹围指数患者仅POCI 型比例> 1 cm/kg 亚组高于≤ 1 cm/kg 亚组(χ2 = 6.624,P = 0.010)。据TOAST 分型分为大动脉粥样硬化型(LAA 型)59 例(31.89%)、小动脉闭塞型(SAO型)57 例(30.81%)、心源性栓塞型(CE 型)32 例(17.30%)、其他明确病因型(SOE 型)17 例(9.19%)和不明病因型(SUE 型)20 例(10.81%);不同体重指数患者LAA 型(H = 21.597,P = 0.000)和SAO 型(H = 29.908,P = 0.000)比例差异具有统计学意义,其中,≥ 28 kg/m2 亚组LAA 型比例高于< 18.50 kg/m2 亚组(Z = 9.263,P = 0.020)、18.50 ~ 23.90 kg/m2 亚组(Z = 18.780,P = 0.000)和24.00 ~ 27.90 kg/m2 亚组(Z = 6.817,P = 0.009),18.50 ~ 23.90 kg/m2 亚组SAO 型比例高于< 18.50 kg/m2 亚组(Z = 7.404,P = 0.007)、24.00 ~ 27.90 kg/m2 亚组(Z = 22.849,P = 0.000)以及≥ 28 kg/m2 亚组(Z = 12.025,P = 0.001);不同腹围指数患者> 1 cm/kg 亚组LAA 型比例高于(χ2 = 11.461,P = 0.001)、SOE 型比例低于(χ2 = 4.558,P = 0.033)≤ 1 cm/kg 亚组。结论 体重指数和腹围指数均可以影响缺血性卒中部位和病因,可以用于预测缺血性卒中病因和发病机制。

关键词: 卒中, 脑缺血, 体重, 腹部, 人体测量术


Objective  To investigate the influence of body mass index (BMI) and abdominal girth index (AGI) on the location and etiology of ischemic stroke in order to determine whether they can predict the etiology and pathogenesis of ischemic stroke.  Methods  A total of 185 patients with acute ischemic stroke and 155 cases of normal controls matched in sex, age and past medical history were enrolled in this study. Their height and weight were measured to calculate BMI, and abdominal circumference was measured to calculate AGI. Oxfordshire Community Stroke Project (OCSP) and TOAST classification were carried out. Results  BMI of overweight (BMI 24.00-27.90 kg/m2) subgroup (t = 2.060, P = 0.000) and obesity (BMI ≥ 28 kg/m2) subgroup (t = 2.315, P = 0.000) in patients with ischemic stroke was significantly higher than that in control group. AGI of abnomaly (AGI > 1 cm/kg) subgroup in patients with ischemic stroke was significantly higher than that in control group (t = 1.021, P = 0.000). Based on OCSP classification, 185 patients with ischemic stroke were classified into 10 (5.41%) of total anterior circulation infarct (TACI), 81 (43.78%) of partial anterior circulation infarct (PACI), 56 (30.27%) of lacunar infarct (LACI) and 38 (20.54%) of posterior circulation infarct (POCI). Only the PACI ratio among different BMI subgroups had statistical significance (H = 7.041, P = 0.011). PACI ratio in BMI 24.00-27.90 kg/m2 subgroup was significantly higher than that in BMI < 18.50 kg/m2 subgroup (Z = 4.823, P = 0.028), 18.50-23.90 kg/m2 subgroup (Z = 3.157, P = 0.026) and ≥ 28 kg/m2 subgroup (Z = 2.076, P = 0.015). In AGI subgroups, only POCI ratio in AGI >1 cm/kg subgroup was significantly higher than that in AGI ≤ 1 cm/kg subgroup (χ2 = 6.624, P = 0.010). In TOAST classification, 185 patients with ischemic stroke were classified into 59 (31.89%) of large artery atherosclerosis (LAA), 57 (30.81%) of small artery occlusion (SAO), 32 (17.30%) of cardioembolism (CE), 17 (9.19%) of stroke of other determined etiology (SOE) and 20 (10.81%) of stroke of undetermined etiology (SUE). LAA ratio (H = 21.597, P = 0.000) and SAO ratio (H = 29.908, P = 0.000) among different BMI subgroups had statistical significance. LAA ratio in BMI ≥ 28 kg/m2 subgroup was significantly higher than that in < 18.50 kg/m2 subgroup (Z = 9.263, P = 0.020), 18.50-23.90 kg/m2 subgroup (Z = 18.780, P = 0.000) and 24.00-27.90 kg/m2 subgroup (Z = 6.817, P = 0.009). SAO ratio in BMI 18.50-23.90 kg/m2 subgroup was significantly higher than that in < 18.50 kg/m2 subgroup (Z = 7.404, P = 0.007), 24.00-27.90 kg/m2 subgroup (Z = 22.849, P = 0.000) and ≥ 28 kg/m2 subgroup (Z = 12.025, P = 0.001). In AGI subgroups, LAA ratio in > 1 cm/kg subgroup was significantly higher (χ2 = 11.461, P = 0.001), while SOE ratio was significantly lower ( χ2 = 4.558, P = 0.033) than that in AGI ≤ 1 cm/kg subgroup.  Conclusions  BMI and AGI can influence the location and etiology of ischemic stroke, which can be used to predict the etiology and pathogenesis of ischemic stroke.

Key words: Stroke, Brain ischemia, Body weight, Abdomen, Anthropometry