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05 April 2015, Volume 35 Issue 4
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Analysis of the screening sesult of cervical lesions of 24817 women undergone health examination in Hunan province
2015, 35(4): 435-438.
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Objective To investigate the health state of the cervical of women in Hunan by gynecological general survey and to explore the best method of gynecological examination. Method:We analysed the result of 24817 Chinese women from Hunan Province who underwent gynecological examination in the examnation center of the third affliated Xiangya Hospital from July 2012 to July 2013.The examination included physical examination,cervical cytology(Thinprep cytologic test or Pap smear) and high-risk human papmomavirus(HR—HPV).Women with HPVpositive or aberrant TCT were advised to do colposcopy and histopathological examination. Results In all 24817 subjects,there were 14779 cases having chronic cervicitis (incidence:59.6%)。The sensitivity of TCT for screening cervical precancerous lesion or early cervical cancer is 92.56%,and .specificity is 80.05% , and thepositive rate was 2.95%,and the false-negative rate was 0.18%.And that of Pap smear was 57.35%,97.33%,1.65%,1.45%,respectively. There were significant difference between the two groups(P<0.05)。the rate of HR—HPV infection was 17.67%.Totally 709 biopsy specimens were obtained,46 of 709 patients were diagnosed CINI,36 were diagnosed CIN II,48 were diagnosed CINⅢ,10 patients were diagnosed early cervical cancer and 1 was diagnosed invasive cervical cancer。Using pathologic histology result as a gold standard, the incidence of CIN(31.4%)in populations with aberrant TCT results was higher than that in the normal populations (4.8%) (P<0.05),and also was much higher than the population with HPV-DNA positive(19.47%)(P<0.05). Conclusion The combined test of TCT and PHV contributes greatly to the early diagnosis of CIN,and TCT combined with HPV is the optial choice for screening of early cervical lssion and cervical cancer.
Impact of serum high abundant protein immunodepletion on tissue proteome identification
2015, 35(4): 439-443.
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Objective To analyze the impact of serum high abundant proteins immunodepletion on identification of tissue proteome. Methods Human thyroid and pituitary samples were disposed using 12 high abundant proteins depletion antibody column. The low abundant proteins and raw samples were analyzed by LC/MS. Identified peptides and proteins were qualitatively and quantitatively analyzed. Results The serum high abundant proteins in thyroid and pituitary were respectively depleted by 92.11%±12.87%, 78%±25%. Compared with raw thyroid, the non-redundant peptide and protein identification of low abundant thyroid was respectively increased by 70%, 16.5%. The non-redundant peptide identification of low abundant pituitary was 21.9% higher than raw samples. But the protein identification was unchanged. Conclusions The immunodepletion of serum high abundant proteins can significantly increase peptide and protein identification and is more suitable for the tissues with intensive blood vessel.
Association between COMT Val158Met polymorphism and blood pressure and lipid levels in long-lived families
2015, 35(4): 444-449.
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Objective To see the possible correlation between the COMT Val158Met polymorphism and blood pressure and serum lipid levels in a family-based long-lived population. Methods: COMT Val158Met was genotyped with PCR-RFLP for long-lived families (HL) and non-long-lived families (HNL) from Guangxi Hongshuihe River Basin and two controls outside the Basin (Pingguo long-lived families [PL] and non-long-lived families [PNL]). The correlation between this polymorphism and blood pressure and lipids were then evaluated. Results: No difference was found in the frequencies of allele A and its relevant genotypes (GA/AA) between HL and HNL, whose however are significantly higher than that of PL and PNL (all P < 0.01). While the blood pressure and lipid levels were similar between GA/AA and GG in HL and PNL, the systolic pressure, pulse pressure and levels of TC, TG and LDL-C of GA/AA were noted higher than were GG in HNL. Multiple regression analysis showed that COMT Val158Met was negatively associated with TC and LDL-C levels in HNL and PL. Conclusions: COMT 158Met mainly impact on blood pressure in the general families rather than the long-lived families in Guangxi Hongshuihe River Basin, albeit it presents more frequently in the Basin.
GP78 gene polymorphism is associated with coronary heart disease
2015, 35(4): 450-453.
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Objective To evaluate potential association between human GP78 gene and coronary heart disease(CHD). Methods The genotype was analyzed with by a Real-time PCR instrument in CHD group ( n = 557) and control group ( n=552).The data were evaluated via case control study. Results The distribution of rs2617849 genotype and allele frequency showed significant difference between CHD and control subjects( P < 0. 05) ,the distribution of the TT genotype and T allele was significantly higher in CHD patients than control subjects( P < 0. 05) .The significance of the TT genotype between CHD patients and control subjects retained after adjustment for covariates ( 95% CI: 1.035 ~1.736,P <0. 05 ). Conclusion rs2617849 polymorphism is closely associated with CHD,TT genotype and T allele of rs2617849 functions as a genetic markers of CHD.
Application and investigation of a new genetic technology for Fragile X syndrome
2015, 35(4): 454-457.
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Objective To establish a rapid、correct、available detection method for fragile X syndrome. Methods we used AmplideXTM FMR1 PCR Kit to detect samples from 26 suspected patients which included by 21 male and 5 female patients. All patients were also studied by using genomic EagI restriction enzyme PCR method in comparison with the above method. Result The results showed that the (CGG) n trinucleotide repeat of normal samples could be identified accurately by the PCR method. The results show there are 5 positive patients of fragile X syndrome which included by 4 full mutation patients and 1 female carrier. meanwhile, the results show 4 positive men patients, not detect the female carrier. Inclusion TP-PCR is a accurate, rapid, simple and inexpensive method. It could be used as a technology for screening fragile X syndrome.
Expression of miR-574-5p in tissue with cervical cancer and effects of down-regulation of miR-574-5p on SiHa cell
2015, 35(4): 458-462.
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Objective Investigate the expression level of tissue microRNA-574-5p (miR-574-5p) and the effects of down-regulation of miR-574-5p on SiHa cell; Methods The level of tissue miR-574-5p in 80 samples cervical cancer and 60 normal samples as controls were detected by real-time RT-PCR. Transfected the miR-574-5p inhibitor into SiHa cell, and detected the proliferation, the apoptotic rate and the migration of SiHa cell through MTT, the flow cytometer and transwell experiment respectively. Results Expression levels of tissue miR-574-5p was significantly higher in cervical cancer than that in normal controls(P<0.001); Up-regulation expression of miR-574-5p had a significantly positive correlation with the International Federation of Gynecology and Obstetrics (FIGO) stage and pathological grade and lymph node metastasis (P<0.05 ), while it had no clear-cut correlations with the age of patients and menopausal status. After transfected the miR-574-5p inhibitor into SiHa cell, the proliferation and the migration were decline(P<0.05), and the apoptotic rate was addition(P<0.05). Conclusion The high expression of miR-574-5p in the tissue of cervical cancer may be related to the progress in the malignant cervical cancer, which expected to be a potential targeting therapy of cervical cancer through the effects of transfecting miR-574-5p inhibitor on SiHa cell.
Phorbol myristate acetate promotes differentiation of mouse induced pluripotent stem cells into cardiomyocytes in vitro
2015, 35(4): 463-469.
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Objective To investigate the effect of PMA on the differentiation of mouse induced pluripotent stem cells into cardiomyocytes in vitro, and to establish an efficient and safe protocol for cardiac differentiation in vitro. Methods In this experiment, embryoid bodies (EBs) were formed by classical hanging drop method, and were directional differentiated to cardiomyocyte with PMA treatment; Furthermore, expression of cardiac troponin T and α-Sarcomeric actinin was observed by immunofluorescent staining, mRNA expression levels of the related genes Brachyury, cTnT, MLC2a, NKX2.5, GATA4 were analyzed by qPCR and RT-PCR.Control group was treated by DMSO, number of beating embryoid bodies was calculated. Results The best concentration of PMA to induce the cardiac differentiation of miPSC was 100 nmol/L and the beating area was found in 53% of embryoid bodies, compared with the control group (beating area was found in 12% of embryoid bodies), Differentiation ef?ciency was higher in PMA treatment group. IPS-CM expressed serve cardic related proteins and genes, and had the Structure characteristics of myocardium cell. Conclusion: PMA can promote miPSC to differentiate into cardiomyocyte in vitro.
Effects of hypoxia on the expression of miR-124 and BACE1 protein in SH-SY5Y cells
2015, 35(4): 470-474.
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Objective To investigate the role of hypoxia on the expression of miR-124 and BACE1. Methods Cultured SH-SY5Y cells were divided into blank control group, oxygen-glucose deprivation (OGD) group, Aβ1-42 group and overexpression or inhibition of miR-124 group. Real-time quantitative PCR was performed to analyze the expression of miR-124 level. The level of BACE1 was examined by Western blot. Results After OGD for 48h, the expression level of miR-124 decreased significantly to 46.9% of the control group (P<0.05), while the expression level of BACE1 was increased by 36% compared with the control group (P<0.01). After transfection of 48h, miR-124 level of miR-124 mimic group was increased by 245 folds as compared with control (P<0.01) and by 219 folds as compared with miR-124 mimic control (P<0.01); BACE1 level was decreased by 29% compared with control (P<0.05) and by 25% compared with miR-124 mimic control (P<0.05); miR-124 level of miR-124 inhibitor group was decreased to 45.4% of control (P<0.05), 48% of miR-124 inhibitor control (P<0.05), BACE1 level was increased by 21% compared with control (P<0.05), 40.3% compared with miR-124 inhibitor control (P<0.01). miR-124 level was decreased by 52% compared with control (P<0.05) and the level of BACE1 level was increased by 51% after Aβ1-42 treatment for 24h (P<0.05). Conclusion Hypoxia could increase the expression of BACE1 through the down-regulation of miR-124 which plays a role in the early pathogenesis of Alzheimer disease.
The effect of Low doses of NO on meiotic maturation of mouse oocytes
2015, 35(4): 475-479.
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Objective To investigate the effect of nitric oxide(NO) ,we observed the influence of different doses of Sodium nitroprusside and NW-nitro-L-arginine methyl ester(l-NAME) on maturation of germinal vesicle stage oocyte in vitro. Methods We used exogenous PMSG to induce mouse superovulate. took out of hibateral ovaries. This research Used mouse oocyte culture model, devided into L-NAMEgroup、SNP+dbcAMP+L-NAMEgroup 、P+dbcAMP+SNP+L-NAMEgroup. oocyte maturation rate(GVBDpercentage、PB1rate) was examined under microscop.Results Compared with dbcAMP (28±0.2,11.1±0.7) group, the SNP+dbcAMPgroup GVBD percentage and PB1 rate(52.5±0.4and32.5±0.1)significantly increased (P<0.05), Compared with P+dbcAMP + SNPgroup(90.1±1.3and 66.6±0.9), the P+ dbcAMP +SNP +L-NAME group oocyte GVBD percentage and PB1 rate(62.8±0.3and20±1.4) significantly decreased(P<0.05).Conclusion When dbcAMP and L-NAME suppress mouse oocyte maturation,Low concentration of NO show promoting effect , Progesterone(P) can enforce this promoting effect.
Generation of an H9N2 avian influenza virus and characterization of its replication properties in different cells
2015, 35(4): 480-484.
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Objective Generation of an H9N2 avian influenza virus with reverse genetics and characterization of its replication properties in different cells. Methods Eight genes of avian influenza virus A/Quail/HongKong/G1/97(H9N2) were amplified by RT-PCR technique and inserted into the pHW2000 vectors. The recombinant virus was rescued by cell transfection and the virus replication properties were analyzed in A549, MDCK and Vero cells. Results Using eight plasmid-based reverse genetics, the recombinant Avian H9N2 influenza virus was rescued. It is observed that A549 cells were more suitable for the H9N2 virus replication than MDCK cells and Vero cells. The molecular virulence markers of the virus were also summarized with bioinformatics technology. Conclusion The eight plasmid-based reverse genetic system is successfully set up for the avian H9N2 virus. The system could not only facilitate genetic manipulation of the H9N2 virus but also provide a platform in studying the virus and developing avian influenza vaccine.
Hepatocyte Growth Factor Promotes Epithelial-Mesenchymal Transition of HeLa cells
2015, 35(4): 485-490.
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Objective To investigate the effect of HGF on epithelial-mesenchymal transition of HeLa cell. Methods HeLa cells were treated with different concentrations of HGF(0、5、10、20 and 40 ng/mL) or incubated with HGF(20ng/mL) for different times(0、6、12、24 and 48h), MTT method was used to detect cell proliferation. Migration of HeLa cells was detected by wound healing and Transwell assay; The protein expression of p-Met, E-cadherin,vimentin,Snail,c-Met,p-AKT,and p-ERK were determined by Western blot.Results HGF significantly increased HeLa cells proliferation in concentration-and time- dependent manner. Moreover, HGF promoted the migration of HeLa cells, and Western blot showed that E-adherin was decreased,whereas Vimentin was increased in HGF treated cells.Meanwhile,HGF significantly activated c-Met, and then promoted AKT, ERK activation. Conclusion HGF induces epithelial-mesenchymal transition of HeLa cell, it could be up-regulated the expression of Snail, and then regulated E-Cadherin or vimentin expression via stimulating HGF/c-Met/MAPK or HGF/c-Met/AKT signaling.
Valdecoxib induces apoptosis of human breast cancer MCF-7 cells by increasing the level of ROS
2015, 35(4): 491-495.
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Objective To study the role of ROS in the apoptosis of human breast cancer MCF-7 cells induced by valdecoxib, a selective COX-2 inhibitor. Methods MTT assay was used to observe the effect of valdecoxib on cell proliferation; Flow cytometry and hoechst 33258 dye were used to detect apoptosis; Laser confocal microscopy was used to detect the level of ROS and mitochondrial transmembrane potential; Western blot was used to detect the protein expression. Results 1)Valdecoxib significantly inhibited the proliferation of MCF-7 cells(P<0.05 or 0.01)and induced apoptosis of the cells(P<0.01). 2)The expression of Bax was increased, and the expression of Bcl-2 was decreased after valdecoxib was apllied. The expression of caspase-3 was increased at first and then degradated to cleaved caspase-3. Caspase-3 inhibitor Ac-DEVD-CHO, and caspase inhibitor Z-VAD-FMK antagonized the growth inhibition effect of valdecoxib(P<0.05 or 0.01). 3)Valdecoxib significantly decreased the mitochondrial transmembrane potential, and increased the level of ROS. Antioxidant NAC antagonized the growth inhibition effect of valdecoxib(P< 0.01). Conclusion valdecoxib induces apoptosis of MCF-7 cells by increasing the level of ROS.
Resveratrol alleviates cerebral ischemia-reperfusion injury by promoting autophagy through Sirtuins1 pathway in rats
2015, 35(4): 496-501.
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Objective To observe the potential roles of autophagy induced by Resveratrol(Res) in rats model of focal cerebral ischemia-reperfusion(I/R)injury. Methods Rats were randomly divided into sham-operated group(S group), cerebral ischemia-reperfusion group (I/R group), low and high dose of Res pretreatment (15 and 40 mg/kg) group (R1 and R2 group); and R2 group were randomly sub-divided into R2+3-MA group and R2+Sirtinol group. The focal cerebral ischemia-reperfusiong (I/R) rats models were established by the middle cerebral artery occlusion (MCAO) using intraluminal suture method. Nissl’s staining was used to observe the pathological changes of brain tissue; 2, 3, 5- triphenyltetrazolium chloride (TTC) straining was used to observe infarct volume; Real-time QPCR and Western blot assessments were performed to analyse the mRNA and protein expression of microtubule-associated protein light chain 3 (LC3) and mammalian sir2-related protein 1 (Sirt1), respectively. Results Compared with S group,I/R group showed obvious focal cerebral infarct,pathological damage change and autophagy related protein LC3 II/LC3 I, Sirt1 expression increased. Res pretreatment can significantly alleviate the pathological injury of rat cortical area, reduce the infarction volume (P<0.01) and increase the expression of LC3 II/LC3 I and Sirt1 (P<0.01); while the Sirt1 inhibitor and 3-MA can weaken the effect of Res. Conclusions Resveratrol enhance autophagy through activation of SIRT1 pathway and autophagy induction plays an important role in the neuroprotection of resveratrol in rats model of focal cerebral ischemia-reperfusion(I/R)injury.
Construction of uropathogenic Escherichia coli strain with FYUA gene deletion and its biological properties
2015, 35(4): 502-507.
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Objective To construct a FYUA gene deletion mutant of uropathogenic Escherichia coli strain CFT073;To compare the different biological properties between wide-type and mutant.Methods λ Red homologous recombination technology was used to construct the FYUA gene deletion strain △FYUA. The proliferation curves of CFT073 and △FYUA in Luria-Bertani liquid medium and sterile urine were drawed by measuring the absorbance at 600nm.Colony formation abilities of CFT073 and △FYUA were evalutatd by counting the number of colonies in the plates.Crystal violet staining method was used to compare the biofilm formation abilities of CFT073 and △FYUA.Results A FYUA gene deletion strain △FYUA was constructed successfully. CFT073 and △FYUA had the similar proliferation curves in Luria-Bertani liquid medium.The proliferation rate of △FYUA in sterile urine was obviously slower than CFT073(P <0.05).There is no difference in colony formation ability between CFT073 and △FYUA. Biofilm formation ability of △FYUA was weakened compared with CFT073(P <0.05).Conclusion FYUA gene may plays an important role in the CFT073 proliferation and biofilm formation in sterile urine.
Recombinant avirulent newcastle disease virus rl-RVG inhibits migration of lung adenocarcinoma A549 and related mechanism
2015, 35(4): 508-513.
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Objective Observe the effects of rl-RVG on migration of lung adenocarcinoma A549cells, preliminarily explore potential mechanism. Methods The group infected with the rl-RVG was experimental group, The group infected with NDV and the group not infected with virous were control groups.The experimental detected for the expressions of RVG and NDV- HN proteins by Western blot.Cell growth experiment determined the best active concentrations of newcastle disease virus and rl-RVG;Observe the effects of rl-RVG and NDV on migration of lung adenocarcinoma A549 cells by scratch assay and Transwell method.The expression of E-cadherin and MMP2 was observed by Western blot and immunofluorescence.The LaSota strain of NDV was used as control group and PBS was the blank control.Results It Proved successful transfection,both RVG and NDV proteins didn’t expressed in blank control group.RVG protein expressed in rl-RVG group and NDV protein expressed in both rl-RVG group and NDV group. Cell proliferation was inhibited by more than 5×10-5 diluted concentrations in rl-RVG group and NDV group compared with the blank control group(P<0.05). So the selected dilution of solubility was 10-6 rl-RVG and NDV. After infected with rl-RVG, migration distance and number of cells significantly reduced(P<0.05). After A549 cells were infected with rl-RVG , the expression of E-cadherin was enhanced(P<0.05)and the expression of MMP2 was weaken compared with the blank control group and NDV group(P<0.05).Conclusion Recombinant avirulent newcastle disease virus can inhibit the migration of A549 cells in vitro, which may be attributed to regulatory factors of E-cadherin and MMP2 in the procession of epithelial mesenchymal transition EMT.
The association factors of acute coronary syndrome in patients of myeloproliferative neoplasms
2015, 35(4): 514-517.
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Objective Through summarizing cases, analyze the characteristics of acute coronary syndrome patients in myeloproliferative neoplasms (MPN) population, and investigate the association factors of acute coronary syndrome (ACS). Methods In total 125 cases of hospitalized patients diagnosed of MPN in Peking Union Medical College Hospital in 2004-2014 were included in this study. The information of demographic data (age, gender), cardiovascular risk factors (smoking, hypertension, hyperlipidemia, diabetes), previous history of thrombosis, previous history of coronary artery disease, previous history of other peripheral vascular disease, previous hydroxyurea or anti-platelet therapy, and laboratory parameters (complete blood count, coagulation functions) was collected and further analyzed for basic characteristics of ACS cases; Spearman correlation analysis was applied to explore association factors of acute coronary syndromes. Results A total of 7 cases developed ACS (incidence 5.6%). Between ACS and non-ACS patients, significant difference existed in previous history of coronary artery disease (18.6% vs. 85.7%, p<0.001, hemoglobin level (141±45 vs. 171±13, p<0.001) and leukocyte count (10.76±8.09 vs. 17.88±8.79, p<0.05). Spearman analysis found significant positive correlations between ACS and previous history of coronary artery disease and leukocyte count (correlation coefficients were 0.361, 0.271, respectively; p<0.05). Conclusion ACS was one of the major thrombosis complications in MPN population. Previous history of coronary artery disease and leukocytosis probably associated with ACS in MPN population.
MagnoIoI relieves Ischemic Myocardial Injuries of Rats
yonghui song
2015, 35(4): 518-522.
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Objective The study was designed to explore the possible role of magnoIoI against myocardial ischemic damage and several related signaling pathways as potential mechanisms. Methods The protective properties of magnoIoI were studied in a rat model of acute myocardial infarction due to permanent ligation of the left anterior descending coronary artery. MDA content and SOD activity was measured by ELISA method,Apoptosis of cardiomyocytes was also observed by TUNEL staining.the expression of Bcl-2, Bax and caspase-3 were examined by Western blot.Intracellular calcium concentration [Ca2+]i was tested Laser scanning confocal microscopy. Results The results showed that administration of magnoIoI relieved myocardial injuries during ischemia, and this were achieved by protecting cardiomyocytes from apoptotic death. The beneficial effects of magnoIoI were likely mediated by activation of the survival signaling molecule (Bcl-2), and a reduction of apoptotic mediator (Bax, caspase-3) and intracellular Ca2+ overload. Conclusion the findings showed that administration of magnoIoI relieved myocardial injuries duringischemia, and this was achieved by protecting cardiomyocytes from apoptotic death.
Rhein lysinate relieves hepatic injuring in aging mice induced by D-galactose
2015, 35(4): 523-525.
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Recombinant kisspeptin-10 inhibits the proliferation, migration and angiogenesis of pre-eclampsia patients HUVECs
2015, 35(4): 526-527.
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Application research on stem cell marker and cell tracing
2015, 35(4): 528-530.
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In the basic and clinical researches, the tracing methods and its effects of stem cells on targets have been of the key. Hence, it's critical to create innovative and breakthrough methods for stem cell marker and cell tracing, to explore the migration routes and its reciprocity with microenvironment targets in the body, to monitor and track the effect after stem cell transplantation therapy, it will play a good role in promoting animal experiment and clinical applications.
Advancements of miR-124 on neoplasm
2015, 35(4): 531-535.
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MicroRNA(miRNA)are a class of short non-coding RNA molecules,which diversely regulate gene expression in organisms. MiRNAs have been found to perform a pivotal role not only in various biologic processes, but also in abnormal state including the occurrence and development of neoplasm. MiR-124, which is highly conserved, is down-expressed in various human neoplasm and is closely related to the occurrence, development and prognosis of neoplasm, as the key anti-oncogenic component.
Research progress in regulation of the activities and functions of PRAS40
2015, 35(4): 536-540.
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PRAS40, a substrate of protein kinase B (PKB/ Akt), is a specific binding protein of mTORC1. There are several conservative phosphorylation sites in PRAS40 including Thr246 induced by Akt and Ser183, Ser212 and Ser221 regulated by mTORC1. When phosphorylated, PRAS40 interacts with Raptor or 14-3-3 protein and participates in regulating the activity of Akt and mTORC1. PRAS40 also plays an important role in insulin resistance, neurodegenerative disorders and cancer owing to its function in regulating cell growth and neuroprotective effects. As a result, PRAS40 may be a promising drug target.
The association between microRNAs and atrial fibrosis in atrial fibrillation
2015, 35(4): 541-544.
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Atrial fibrosis plays an important role in atrial fibrillation (AF). MicroRNAs(miRNAs) contribute to atrial fibrosis by targeting the genes related to fibrosis. Therefore, the study on the mechanistic association between miRNAs and atrial fibrosis may provide new insights for diagnosis and treatment of atrial fibrillation.
Advance in studies on telomere and bone marrow failure diseases
2015, 35(4): 545-548.
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Telomere shortening is one of the common ways to hereditary or acquired bone marrow failure. Telomere shortening caused by gene mutations reduces the number and proliferation of hematopoietic stem cells, and leads to bone marrow hypoplasia. Environmental factors break compensatory hematopoietic balance and lead to bone marrow failure.
Research progress on IL - 37 and the correlation with diseases
2015, 35(4): 549-553.
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Interleukin-37 (inteleukin -37,IL-37) is considered as a novel anti-inflammatory cytokine which involved in the immune and inflammatory response by inhibiting pro-inflammatory cytokines and chemokines, regulating gene transcription.At present, IL-37 plays an important role in a variety of inflammatory and immune related diseases,and it will provide new ideas and new treatment targets for these diseases.
Advances on the Cardiac Protective Effects of Hypoxia Inducible Factor-1
2015, 35(4): 554-557.
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It was recently reported that hypoxia-inducible factor 1(HIF-1) regulates related downstream gene expression, thus promotes angiogenesis, proliferation, metastasis and inhibits apoptosis, then increase the quantity of effective myocardial cells and improve ventricular remodeling after myocardial infarction. This may provide a novel strategy for the therapy of ischemic heart disease.
Research progress of oxidative stress inducing cerebral aneurysm
2015, 35(4): 558-562.
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Frame-work based learning: execution and exploration of its potential populization
2015, 35(4): 563-566.
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Objective In the study we mainly aimed to execute frame-work based learning in the teaching of Medical Microbiology and make a preliminary exploration of its potential populization in other fields of medical sciences. Methods In the reform of medical education, the teaching of Medical Microbiology was partly integrated with Medical English and frame-work based learning model was involved. In the study, 307 third grade students in Peking Union Medical College were successively enrolled in the practice of this reform of frame-work based learning in the former term. Underlying this frame-work based learning, students were encouraged to: base their learning target on the practical application, design frame-works according to their professional requirements or learning targets, and organize self regulated learning in groups. Anonymous questionnaires were used to evaluate the subjective feelings of students. And simultaneously, the percentage distribution of topics of all self learning groups involved in self regulated learning was analyzed and compared. Results Percentages of topics involved in non-Medical Microbiology curriculums in medical sciences were respectively 21.43% in Grade 2008,7.14% in Grade 2009, 38.89% in Grade 2008 and 57.14% in Grade 2011. Conclusion Frame-work based learning exhibits a potential populization in learning of other medical courses.
Evaluation of theory examinations in histology
2015, 35(4): 567-571.
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Objective To assess the quality of the histology theory examinations in Peking Union Medical College. Methods A total of 393 theory examination papers in histology for medical students in 8-year clinical medicine program from Grade 2006 to Grade 2010 were evaluated.Results The average score of all the students was 79.5±12.9. There was no obvious difference among each Grade. Analysis for these test papers indicated that the P-value of difficulty varied within the range from 0.77 to 0.84, and the D-value of discrimination increased from 0.26 to 0.34 during these 5 years. The reliabilities and validities for the examinations of all 5 years were satisfying. Further analysis for the test questions revealed that the percentile of high-quality questions increased from 59.09% (Grade 2006) to 88.89% (Grade 2010), and overall 72.17% questions reached the criteria of high quality. The qualities of test questions were significantly improved in terms of both difficulty and discrimination when comparisons were made between those from Grade 2010 vs. Grade 2006. Conclusion The overall qualities of examinations for all 5 years are high, with the qualities of test questions improving over time. However, there are still problems remained to be solved. The evaluation of examinations will provide critical indications for the future improvement of teaching quality and construction of a reliable question bank for histology examination.
A survey about the doctor-patient communication training need from department of ultrasound
2015, 35(4): 572-575.
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Objective The purpose of this study is to describe the current need in doctor-patient communication for physicians and sonographers in department of ultrasound. Method This was a cross-sectional survey of all 128 physicians working at department of ultrasound in Peking Union Medical college hospital during 2013-2014 academic year. The questionnaire was about their negative doctor-patient communication experience, confidence in the establishment of a good doctor-patient relationship and the need for a relavant training program. Results A total of 125 valid questionnaires was gained. 44.8 % of the subjects thought they had negative doctor-patient communications. Only 36.0% of them felt quite confident or extremely confident doctor-patient communication skills. 83.2% of them had consents on relevant communication training should be undertaken. Conclusion Doctor-patient communication training is very important for the physicians in the deparment of ultrasound.
Exploration and practice in the establish of the tutor assessment system in the medical school
2015, 35(4): 576-578.
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In order to strengthen the management of a mentor, PUMCH has established the tutor assessment system. During the application and the implement of this system, some problems are revealed and some adjustments are made to improve it accordingly. On the basis of PUMCH’s management practices of tutor assessment system, the author analyzed and summarized the related features and difficulties,and made some recommendations for future improvement.
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