基础医学与临床 ›› 2025, Vol. 45 ›› Issue (2): 253-257.doi: 10.16352/j.issn.1001-6325.2025.02.0253

• 短篇综述 • 上一篇    下一篇


吴慧珊1, 廖颖萍2, 李萌3*   

  1. 1.浙江中医药大学 第二临床医学院,浙江 杭州 310053;
    2.广东省清远市妇幼保健院 优生与遗传实验诊断中心,广东 清远 511500;
    3.浙江医院 医学检验科,浙江 杭州 310013
  • 收稿日期:2024-09-02 修回日期:2024-12-03 出版日期:2025-02-05 发布日期:2025-01-17
  • 通讯作者: *lmbcwan@163.com
  • 基金资助:

Research progress in the characterization of amino acid metabolism in frailty patients

WU Huishan1, LIAO Yingping2, LI Meng3*   

  1. 1. The Second School of Clinical Medicine, Zhejiang Chinese Medical University, Hangzhou 310053;
    2. Eugenics and Genetic Experiment Diagnosis Center, Guangdong Province Qingyuan Maternal and Child Health Hospital, Qingyuan 511500;
    3. Department of Clinical Laboratory, Zhejiang Hospital, Hangzhou 310013, China
  • Received:2024-09-02 Revised:2024-12-03 Online:2025-02-05 Published:2025-01-17
  • Contact: *lmbcwan@163.com

摘要: 衰弱是一种力量减弱及生理机能失常的多因素相关的老年综合征。及时识别衰弱对于改善老年人生活质量具有重要意义,然而目前衰弱的诊断仍缺乏特异性的生物学标志物。近年来,适量的蛋白质摄入是老年人衰弱管理的一种有效的干预措施,衰弱与氨基酸代谢的相关性引起广泛关注。本文综述衰弱患者氨基酸代谢机制的最新研究进展,为发现衰弱的生物标志物提供新思路。

关键词: 衰弱, 氨基酸代谢, 诊断

Abstract: Frailty is a complex aging syndrome characterized by diminished strength and physiological dysfunction. Early diagnosis of frailty is of great value in helping the elderly to improve the quality of life. However, specific biological markers to diagnose frailty are still lacking. In recent years, moderate protein intake has been shown to be an effective intervention in the management of frailty in older adults, and the relationship between frailty and amino acid metabolism has received widespread attention. This review discusses recent advances in the study of the mechanisms by which amino acid metabolism affects frailty and provide new ideas for searching specific biomarkers of frailty.

Key words: frailty, amino acid metabolism, diagnose
