基础医学与临床 ›› 2010, Vol. 30 ›› Issue (10): 1025-1028.

• 研究论文 • 上一篇    下一篇

仫佬族 9项头面部群体遗传学特征

杨建辉 郑连斌 陈利红   

  1. 黔南民族医学高等专科学校 天津师范大学 化学与生命科学院
  • 收稿日期:2010-04-09 修回日期:2010-05-11 出版日期:2010-10-05 发布日期:2010-10-05
  • 通讯作者: 郑连斌

Population genetic characters of Mulam's head face

Jian-hui YANG, Lian-bin ZHENG, Li-hong CHEN   

  1. Qiannan Medical College for Nationalities College of Chemistry and Life Science,Tianjin Normal University
  • Received:2010-04-09 Revised:2010-05-11 Online:2010-10-05 Published:2010-10-05
  • Contact: Lian-bin ZHENG,

摘要: 目的:了解仫佬族头面部群体遗传学特征。方法:采取随机整群抽样法,调查仫佬族309例中学生 (男 120例,女 189例)9项遗传学指标。结果:(1)仫佬族有内眦褶率(72.17%),有上眼睑皱褶率(84.12%),铲型门齿(96.12%),凸鼻梁率(6.47%),宽鼻孔率(79.29%),突型下颏率(29.13%),有耳垂率(74.11%),额头发际有尖率(24.87%),卷发率(0.97%)。 (2)除了上眼睑皱褶外,其余 8项指标类型出现率性别间均无显著差异 ;(3)9项指标彼此间相关性极小。结论:仫佬族头面部群体遗传学特征与别的民族相比,存在一定的差异。

关键词: :内眦褶, 上眼睑皱褶, 门齿类型, 鼻孔形状, 下颏类型, 耳垂类型, 发际, 发形, 仫佬族

Abstract: Objective: to understand th population genetic characters of Mulam's head face. Methods: Nine genetics indexes,including mongoloid fold,eyefold of the upper eyelid,front tooth type,nasal profile,nostril form,chin projection,lobe type,hair point of the forehead and hair form were investigated for 309 middle schol students(120 males and 189 females)in Mulam nationality by using cluster random sampling method. Results: (1)The rate of Mongolia fold is 72.17% ,The rate of eyefold of the upper eyelid is 84.12%,The rate of shovel-shaped front tooth type is 96.12%,The rate of umbonate nasal profile is 6.47%,The rate of wide nostril is 79.29%,The rate of protruding chin is 29.13%,The rates of ear lobe is 74.11%,The rate of pointed hair point on forehead is 24.87% and The rate of curly hair form is 0.97% in Mulam nationality;(2)eight indexes showed no sexual difference except for The rate of eyefold of the upper eyelid;(3)These nine indexes showed extremly little correlations;Conclusions: There are differences between Mulam nationality and other nationalities in Population genetic characters of head face.

Key words: mongoloid fold, eyefold of the upper eyelid:front to th type, nasal profile, nostril form, chin projection, lobe type, hair point of the forehead, hair fornq:Mulam nationality
