中国现代神经疾病杂志 ›› 2014, Vol. 14 ›› Issue (3): 263-265. doi: 10.3969/j.issn.1672-6731.2014.03.019

• 临床研究 • 上一篇    下一篇

2 轻度胃肠炎伴良性婴幼儿惊厥的临床研究

李卫兵, 唐敏, 秦浩玉   

  1. 210019 南京医科大学附属明基医院儿科
  • 出版日期:2014-03-25 发布日期:2014-03-21
  • 通讯作者: 李卫兵 (

Clinical research of benign infantile convulsions with mild gastroenteritis

LI Wei-bing, TANG Min, QIN Hao-yu   

  1. Departerment of Pediatrics, Benq Medical Center Affiliated to Nanjing Medical University, Nanjing 210019, Jiangsu, China
  • Online:2014-03-25 Published:2014-03-21
  • Contact: LI Wei-bing (Email:

摘要: 回顾性分析65 例急性胃肠炎合并惊厥发作患儿(轻度胃肠炎伴良性婴幼儿惊厥18 例、热性惊厥15 例、癫痫13 例、病毒性脑炎6 例、低钠性脑病6 例、高钠性脑病3 例、中毒性脑病2 例和低钙惊厥2 例)临床资料。主要表现为全面性强直或强直-阵挛发作,持续时间短暂,多发生在病程前2 d 内,轮状病毒阳性检出率高达83.33%(15/18)。首次惊厥发作患儿肌肉注射苯巴比妥[5 ~ 10 mg/(kg·次)],住院过程中再次发作者静脉注射地西泮[0.10 ~ 0.30 mg/(kg·次)]。轻度胃肠炎伴良性婴幼儿惊厥为婴幼儿常见惊厥发作疾病,治疗以控制反复发作为原则,预后良好。

关键词: 胃肠炎, 惊厥, 发热性, 脑炎, 病毒性, 儿童

Abstract: Cases of benign infantile convulsions with mild gastroenteritis (BICE) treated in our hospital from 2008 to 2012 were analyzed retrospectively. Among the 65 cases of convulsions with acute diarrhea, there were 18 cases of BICE, 15 cases of febrile seizures, 13 cases of epilepsy, 6 cases of viral encephalitis, 6 cases of hyponatremia encephalopathy, 3 cases of hypernatremia encephalopathy, 2 cases of toxic encephalopathy, and 2 cases of hypocalcemia convulsion. The convulsion occurred mostly during the first 2 d of the illness and was in a generalized tonic or tonic-clonic form. Positive rotavirus antigens in the BICE patients were detected in 83.33% (15/18). Phenobarbital was administered after the first convulsion (5-10 mg/kg), and diazepam was given intravenously in case of recurrence (0.10-0.30 mg/kg). BICE occurs frequently in infantile and controlling relapse is the main purpose. The prognosis is good.

Key words: Gastroenteritis, Seizures, febrile, Encephalitis, viral, Child