目的 探讨维吾尔族和汉族缺血中风患者急性期中医证候分布特点及演变规律。方法 采集210 例缺血中风急性期患者(维吾尔族89 例、汉族121 例)中医证候信息,根据缺血中风证候要素诊断量表进行中医证候要素辨证,并观察其证候组合形式和演变规律。采用SNaPshot 技术检测维汉两族患者APN 基因单核苷酸多态性,分析二者中医证候组合形式之基因型,探讨不同位点多态性之间的差异及两族患者脂联素(APN)基因多态性与中医证候间的关联性。结果 (1)维吾尔族缺血中风患者以痰湿证为主体、汉族以气虚证为主体;维吾尔族患者发病急性期之中后期以两证相兼为主,汉族以三证相兼为主。(2)维吾尔族急性缺血中风患者APN 基因多态性位点各基因型与其中医证候间无关联性,而汉族患者APN 基因rs6444175G/A、rs1501296G/A 位点各基因型与中医证候组合相关;维汉两族患者APN 基因各位点等位基因频率与中医证候均无关联性。结论 维汉两族急性缺血中风患者具有不同的中医证候分布,其中医证候组合与APN 基因多态性位点基因型和等位基因频率相关。
多态性, 单核苷酸,
Objective To analyze the characteristics and variation of traditional Chinese medicine (TCM) syndromes in acute ischemic stroke patients of Xinjiang Uygur and Han nationalities, and to investigate the polymorphism of adiponectin (APN) of loci rs182052, rs6444175, rs1501296 and its correlation with TCM syndromes. Methods A total of 210 patients with acute ischemic stroke (89 cases of Uygur nationality and 121 cases of Han nationality) were collected for information of TCM syndromes according to the "Diagnostic Scale for TCM Syndromes of Ischemic Stroke", and the APN single nucleotide polymorphism (SNP) of patients was detected by SNaPshot technology. The TCM syndromes between patients of Uygur and Han nationalities were compared and the correlation between TCM syndromes and APN SNP or allele frequency was analyzed. Results 1) There were different TCM syndromes during acute ischemic stroke between patients of Uygur and Han nationalities. The TCM syndromes in Uygur patients were based on phlegm, while the syndromes in Han patients were based on Qi deficiency. Most of Uygur patients had 2 accumulated TCM syndromes in the middle and late phase of acute ischemic stroke, which was significantly different from Han patients, who mainly had 3 accumulated TCM syndromes. 2) The genotypes of APN were not correlated with TCM syndromes accumulation in Uygur patients, while the genotypes of APN rs6444175G/A and rs1501296G/A were correlated with TCM syndromes accumulation in Han patients. The allele frequency of all three APN genotypes were not correlated with TCM syndromes accumulation in both Uygur and Han patients. Conclusions There are different distributions of TCM syndromes and its accumulation between Uygur and Han patients, and the accumulations of TCM syndromes of acute ischemic stroke in Uygur and Han patients are correlated with different APN genotypes.
Key words:
Polymorphism, single nucleotide,
Symptom complex,
TCM science,
Uygur nationality
张震中, 梁晓鹰, 吕光耀, 姚华. 新疆维吾尔自治区维汉两族缺血中风急性期APN基因多态性与中医证候分布特征的关联分析[J]. 中国现代神经疾病杂志, 2014, 14(7): 615-620.
ZHANG Zhen-zhong, LIANG Xiao-ying, Lü Guang-yao, YAO Hua. Correlation analysis between the APN polymorphism and traditional Chinese medicine syndromes in acute ischemic stroke patients of Xinjiang Uygur and Han nationalities[J]. Chinese Journal of Contemporary Neurology and Neurosurgery, 2014, 14(7): 615-620.