基础医学与临床 ›› 2014, Vol. 34 ›› Issue (11): 1594-1596.

• 医学教育 • 上一篇    



  1. 1. 中国医学科学院基础医学研究所&北京协和医学院基础学院
    2. 中国医学科学院基础医学研究所
  • 收稿日期:2014-08-27 修回日期:2014-09-18 出版日期:2014-11-05 发布日期:2014-11-03
  • 通讯作者: 叶菜英 E-mail:Caiyingye@126.com
  • 基金资助:

Exploration and thinking on the reform of pharmacological experiment teaching for eight-year program medical education

  • Received:2014-08-27 Revised:2014-09-18 Online:2014-11-05 Published:2014-11-03
  • Contact: Cai-ying YE E-mail:Caiyingye@126.com

摘要: 对医学八年制药理学实验教学提出一些改革措施,包括加强药理实验基本技能和方法训练、缩减传统验证性实验、增加综合性实验、开展设计性药理学实验以及改进实验考核方式等,激发学生的学习兴趣和主动性,提高学生的动手能力、科研能力和创新能力,为培养具有创造性思维的高素质医学人才以及提高教学质量,进行实验教学改革的探索。

关键词: 药理学实验, 教学改革, 八年制医学教育

Abstract: Some reforming measures are proposed for the pharmacological experiment teaching in eight-year program medical education which consists of strengthening the training of the basic pharmacological experiment skills and methods, reducing the traditional verification experiments, increasing the comprehensive experiments, carrying out the designing experiments and improving the assessment methods. These measures might stimulate students’ interest and initiative, improve their manipulative ability, innovative ability and research capability, and are also the explorations for the experimental teaching reform in order to cultivate high quality medical talents with creative thinking and enhance the teaching quality.

Key words: pharmacological experiment, teaching reform, eight-year program medical education
