Chinese Journal of Contemporary Neurology and Neurosurgery ›› 2019, Vol. 19 ›› Issue (12): 964-968. doi: 10.3969/j.issn.1672-6731.2019.12.010

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Precision treatment exploration in a patient with diffuse midline glioma

SHI Xiang-yu1, WANG Zheng1, WANG Huan-yu2, ZHANG Xue-bin3, DU Fang-fang1, JIANG Wei1   

  1. 1. epartment of Radiation Oncology, Tianjin Huanhu Hospital, Tianjin 300350, China;
    2. Department of Neurosurgery, Tianjin Huanhu Hospital, Tianjin 300350, China;
    3. Department of Pathology, Tianjin Huanhu Hospital, Tianjin 300350, China
  • Received:2019-12-16 Online:2019-12-25 Published:2020-01-03
  • Contact: JIANG Wei (


石祥宇1, 王政1, 王焕宇2, 张学斌3, 杜芳芳1, 姜炜1   

  1. 1. 300350 天津市环湖医院肿瘤放射治疗科;
    2. 300350 天津市环湖医院神经外科;
    3. 300350 天津市环湖医院病理科
  • 通讯作者: 姜炜,


Objective To explore new treatment methods for diffuse midline glioma (DMG), H3 K27M mutant, WHOⅣgrade. Methods A 51 years old female patient was diagnosed as DMG, H3 K27M mutant. After resection of the left frontal lobe lesion, we decided to use temozolomide super early chemotherapy treatment named START after multi-disciplinary team (MDT) discussion. After chemotherapy 3 weeks head MRI examination showed the lesion of tumor in the left thalamus had developed. Then conformal intensity-modulated radiotherapy combined with etoposide (VP-16) rhythm chemotherapy was performed for intracranial lesions. The detection of whole exome sequencing (WES) indicated that the patient was sensitive to pazopanib, therefore, treatment of etoposide combined with pazopanib was carried out. Results Three months after radiotherapy, the reexamination showed that the tumor nearly achieved complete remission (CR, RANO standard). Conclusions The comprehensive treatment strategy of surgery, radiotherapy, chemotherapy and targeted therapy can improve the survival of DMG, H3 K27M mutant patients, which needs further follow-up observation.

Key words: Glioma, Histones, Adult, Precision medicine


目的 探索弥漫性中线胶质瘤,H3 K27M突变型,WHOⅣ级的新型治疗方法。方法与结果 女性患者,51岁,病理确诊为弥漫性(左侧额叶、丘脑)中线胶质瘤,H3 K27M突变型。于手术切除左侧额叶病灶后,经多学科诊疗模式讨论,采取替莫唑胺超早期START化疗方案,治疗3周后头部MRI显示左侧丘脑病灶进展;然后针对颅内病灶行适形调强放射治疗联合依托泊苷(VP-16)节律化疗,根据全外显子组测序提示呈培唑帕尼敏感类型,遂在VP-16节律化疗的基础上联合培唑帕尼序贯治疗。放射治疗后3个月复查MRI提示肿瘤接近完全缓解(神经肿瘤反应评价标准)。结论 通过手术切除、放射治疗、药物化疗及靶向治疗的综合治疗策略可以改善弥漫性中线胶质瘤,H3 K27M突变型患者生存期,但仍需进一步随访观察。

关键词: 神经胶质瘤, 组蛋白类, 成年人, 精准医学