Chinese Journal of Contemporary Neurology and Neurosurgery ›› 2020, Vol. 20 ›› Issue (7): 638-642. doi: 10.3969/j.issn.1672-6731.2020.07.014

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Next-generation sequencing technology in the diagnosis of five patients with human herpesvirus encephalitis/meningitis

JIN Ke1, WANG Xiao-juan1, GUAN Hong-zhi2, QIN Ling-zhi1, JIA Ya-zhen1, ZHOU Ke-ke1, MA Hai-chang1, WANG Yue1, WANG Fang1, XING Li3, LI Wei1   

  1. 1 Department of Neurology, Zhengzhou University People's Hospital, Zhengzhou 450003, He'nan, China;
    2 Department of Neurology, Peking Union Medical College Hospital, Chinese Academy of Medical Sciences and Peking Union Medical College, Beijing 100730, China;
    3 Tianjin-Beijing Genomics Institute, Tianjin 300450, China
  • Received:2020-07-09 Online:2020-07-25 Published:2020-07-24
  • Supported by:

    This study was supported by the Key Project of Medical Science and Technology in He'nan Province (No. 2018020427).


金珂1, 王晓娟1, 关鸿志2, 秦灵芝1, 贾亚珍1, 周珂珂1, 马海畅1, 王月1, 王芳1, 邢丽3, 李玮1   

  1. 1 450003 郑州大学人民医院神经内科;
    2 100730 中国医学科学院 北京协和医学院 北京协和医院神经内科;
    3 300450 天津华大基因科技有限公司医学检验所
  • 通讯作者: 李玮,
  • 基金资助:



Objective To evaluate the value of next-generation sequencing (NGS) of cerebrospinal fluid (CSF) in the diagnosis of human herpesvirus encephalitis/meningitis. Methods The clinical features, laboratory and imaging findings of 5 patients with highly suspected human herpesvirus encephalitis/meningitis from January to September 2018 were retrospectively analyzed, and then the etiological sources were comprehensively analyzed combined with the results of NGS. Results All of the 5 patients had an acute onset, fever, headache and neck ankylosis. The CSF tests revealed a slight increased level of white blood cell count (74-260)×106/L. Among them, a total of 4-5406 nucleic acid sequences of human herpesvirus, including human herpesvirus type Ⅰ (n=1), human herpesvirus type Ⅲ (n=3) and human herpesvirus type Ⅳ (n=1) were detected by NGS, with the coverage varing from 0.08% to 81.01%. Conclusions NGS of CSF can assist the diagnosis of human herpesvirus encephalitis/meningitis, as well as viruses accurate classification, which is worth popularizing and applying in clinic.

Key words: Encephalitis, viral, Meningitis, viral, Herpesviridae infections, Cerebrospinal fluid, Genetic testing


目的 评估脑脊液第二代测序技术在人类疱疹病毒性脑炎和(或)脑膜炎诊断中的应用价值。方法 对2018年1-9月5例高度疑似人类疱疹病毒性脑炎和(或)脑膜炎患者的临床特征、实验室和影像学表现进行回顾分析,并结合脑脊液第二代测序结果综合分析病原学来源。结果 临床表现为急性发病,以发热、头痛、颈项强直等为主要症状与体征,脑脊液白细胞计数(74~260)×106/L;第二代测序共分离与鉴定病毒1属3种,检出人类疱疹病毒Ⅰ型1例、Ⅲ型3例和Ⅳ型1例;人类疱疹病毒核酸序列数为4~5406条,将鉴定的读数映射到病毒基因组的覆盖度为0.08%~81.01%。结论 脑脊液第二代测序技术可辅助人类疱疹病毒性脑炎和(或)脑膜炎的诊断,并可对病毒进行准确分型,值得在临床推广应用。

关键词: 脑炎, 病毒性, 脑膜炎, 病毒性, 疱疹病毒科感染, 脑脊髓液, 基因检测