Chinese Journal of Contemporary Neurology and Neurosurgery ›› 2019, Vol. 19 ›› Issue (3): 170-176. doi: 10.3969/j.issn.1672-6731.2019.03.006

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The significance of Knosp classification and cavernous sinus division in endoscopic transnasal surgery for invasive pituitary adenomas

WU Xin-yu, HOU Xiao-chuan, BAO Yue, WANG Yi-bao   

  1. Department of Neurosurgery, the First Hospital of China Medical University, Shenyang 110001, Liaoning, China
  • Online:2019-03-25 Published:2019-03-28
  • Contact: WANG Yi-bao (Email:


吴新宇, 侯小川, 鲍跃, 王义宝   

  1. 110001 沈阳,中国医科大学附属第一医院神经外科
  • 通讯作者: 王义宝,


Objective To evaluate the value of Knosp classification and cavernous sinus zoning in the diagnosis of pituitary adenoma invasiveness and the significance of endoscopic transnasal surgery for pituitary adenomas. Methods There were 75 cases with pituitary adenomas of Knosp grade 3-4 (44 cases of Knosp grade 3 and 31 cases of Knosp grade 4) who were performed endoscopic transnasal surgery from July 2015 to June 2017 in our hospital. Based on coronal MRI of sellar region in patients with Knosp 3 pituitary adenomas, the ratio R of distance from the middle point of internal carotid artery (ICA) cavernous sinus segment to the upper part of anterior clinoid process segment and vertical distance from the furthest point of tumor invasion to the line was calculated and analyzed statistically. According to cavernous sinus zoning under endoscope and involvement of medial wall of cavernous sinus, patients with Knosp grade 3 pituitary adenomas were further divided into Knosp grade 3A (invasive and non-invasive) and 3B by invading different cavernous spaces. The total removal rate of tumor was reviewed by MRI in sellar region after operation. Results Among 75 cases, 36 were classified as Knosp grade 3A in 44 cases of Knosp grade 3 pituitary adenomas, including 12 cases of invasive pituitary adenomas (mainly involving posterior superior space of cavernous sinus and affecting oculomotor nerve) and 24 cases of non-invasive pituitary adenomas (the tumor pushed against the medial wall of cavernous sinus, presenting "pseudoinvasion"). The ratio R of invasive pituitary adenomas was significantly smaller than non-invasive pituitary adenomas (1.28 ± 0.18 vs. 1.74 ± 0.27; t = 5.275, P = 0.000). The Knosp grade 3A was divided into 2 groups according to the median value of ratio R: ≤ 1.59 group (17 cases) and > 1.59 group (19 cases). The invasion rate of ratio R ≤ 1.59 group was higher than that of > 1.59 group (12/17 vs. 0/19; Fisher's exact probability, P = 0.000). The total resection rate of 75 cases was 72% (54/75), among which the total resection rate of Knosp grade 3 was 84.09% (37/44), and rate of Knosp grade 4 was 54.84% (17/31). The average follow-up period was (14.84 ± 5.66) months, and no one case relapsed. Conclusions The calculation of ratio R in preoperative coronal MRI helps to evaluate the invasion degree of Knosp grade 3A pituitary adenomas. Combined with artificial division of cavernous sinus, it has guiding significance in endoscopic transnasal surgery for pituitary adenoma removal.

Key words: Pituitary neoplasms, Neoplasm invasiveness, Cavernous sinus, Endoscopes, Neurosurgical procedures


目的 探讨 Knosp 分级和海绵窦分区对评价垂体瘤侵袭性和指导经鼻内镜手术的临床意义。方法 75 例患者(Knosp 分级 3 级 44 例、4 级 31 例)均源自 2015 年 7 月至 2017 年 6 月住院行经鼻内镜手术的垂体瘤病例。术前通过鞍区冠状位 MRI计算颈内动脉海绵窦段至前床突上段血管中点连线距离与肿瘤向鞍旁侵袭最远点至该连线垂直距离的比值(比值 R)以判断 Knosp 分级 3 级垂体瘤的侵袭程度,然后根据内镜下海绵窦分区和海绵窦内侧壁是否受累将侵入不同海绵窦间隙的 Knosp分级3级垂体瘤进一步分为 3A 级(侵袭性和非侵袭性)和 3B 级,从而制定手术方案。结果 Knosp 分级 3A 级垂体瘤患者共 36 例,肿瘤呈侵袭性生长 12 例(主要侵入海绵窦后上间隙,影响动眼神经)、非侵袭性生长 24 例(肿瘤推挤海绵窦内侧壁但未侵入,呈假侵袭),侵袭组比值 R 小于非侵袭组(1.28 ± 0.18 对1.74 ± 0.27;t = 5.275,P = 0.000)。Knosp分级3A 级患者中比值 R ≤ 1.59(中位值)者17例、> 1.59者19例,前者肿瘤侵袭性高于后者(12/17 对 0/19;Fisher 确切概率法:P = 0.000)。75 例患者肿瘤全切除率 72%(54/75),Knosp分级 3 级达 84.09%(37/44)、4 级为 54.84%(17/31)。术后平均随访(14.84 ± 5.66)个月,无一例复发。结论 术前通过鞍区冠状位 MRI计算比值R,有助于评价 Knosp分级3A 级垂体瘤侵袭程度,结合术中内镜下海绵窦分区,对经鼻内镜垂体瘤切除术具有重要指导意义。

关键词: 垂体肿瘤, 肿瘤侵润, 海绵窦, 内窥镜, 神经外科手术