About Journal

  • About Journal

           Basic & Clinical Medicine (ISSN 1001-6325; CN 11-2652/R) is an academic journal focusing on basic medical research and clinical medicine. It is supervised by Beijing Association for Science and Technology, sponsored by Beijing Association for Physiological Sciences, and jointly published by Institute of Basic Medical Sciences and Peking Union Medical College Hospital, Chinese Academy of Medical Sciences / Peking Union Medical College. The journal was founded in 1981 with the name of Physiological Sciences, and published publicly since 1984. It was officially renamed as Basic & Clinical Medicine in 1990, and changed to a monthly journal in 2005.

    The journal aims at closely integrating clinical practice and basic scientific research at the frontier of modern medicine. The journal publishes cutting-edge knowledge, trends and new technologies in various medical fields from domestic medical scientists, and provides a platform for researchers to obtain information and communicate. Over the years, the journal has made significant contributions to the development of translational medicine in China.

    Basic & Clinical Medicine is one of the Key Magazines of China Technology, and one of Chinese Core Journal of Medicine & Health. It is included in top major literature databases in China, such as CNKI (China National Knowledge Infrastructure), Wanfang Data, Chongqing VIP, and is selected as a major journal for professional and technical qualification evaluation by National Health Commission of PRC, a source journal of the Annual Report for Chinese Academic Journal Impact Factors (Natural Science), etc. In addition, the journal has won the Excellent Journal Award of Beijing, the Excellent Sci. & Tech Journal Award of China Association for Science and Technology from 2006-2008 and was selected into the "2020 China Excellent Journal Exhibition" of the 27th Beijing International Book Fair (BIBF), which is the most influential book exhibition platform in China.

           The readers of Basic & Clinical Medicine are mainly from major medical colleges and universities, scientific research institutions and hospitals, etc. More than 70% of the articles published in the journal have funding at provincial level or above. More than 50% of the articles have national funding. The journal publishes research papers on basic and clinical medicine, new experimental techniques and methods, short reviews on the frontiers of basic and clinical medicine, analysis on rare clinical case, etc.

    Basic & Clinical Medicine is included in following major literature databases:

    · Chinese Scientific and Technical Papers and Citation Database (CSTPCD) of Institute of Scientific and Technical Information of China (ISTIC)

    · Chinese Journal Full-Text Database of CNKI

    · China Science and Technology Journal Database of Chongqing VIP

    · China Biology Medicine disc (CBMdisc) of Institute of Medical Information

    · Chinese Biological Literature Database of Shanghai Life Science Information Center, Chinese Academy of Sciences

    · National Sci. & Tech Academic Journal Open Access Platform, ISTIC

    · DOAJ database

    · SciFinder CA database 

    · WPRIM database

    · Ulrichsweb database

    · ICI Journals Master List database, Index Copernicus International

    · EBSCO databases

  • 2022-08-26 Visited: 24111