基础医学与临床 ›› 2014, Vol. 34 ›› Issue (11): 1574-1577.

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  1. 福建省妇幼保健院
  • 收稿日期:2014-02-17 修回日期:2014-04-18 出版日期:2014-11-05 发布日期:2014-11-03
  • 通讯作者: 史道华 E-mail:shidh@yeah.net
  • 基金资助:

Research progress in cell metabolism of glucose and lipid regulated by transcription factors via mTOR

  • Received:2014-02-17 Revised:2014-04-18 Online:2014-11-05 Published:2014-11-03

摘要: 哺乳动物雷帕霉素靶蛋白(mTOR)是一种重要的信号分子,参与体内蛋白质合成,细胞增殖、细胞周期、能量代谢和自噬等过程。mTOR 的失活可导致肿瘤,代谢性疾病的发生。其中,HIF1α、c-Myc、FoxO1、SREBPs、PPARγ/PPARα及TFEB作为mTOR的下游信号,与细胞的糖脂代谢密切相关。

关键词: 哺乳动物雷帕霉素靶蛋白, 糖代谢, 脂代谢, 转录因子

Abstract: The mammalian target of rapamycin(mTOR) is an important signal molecule in a variety of physiological mechanisms, including protein synthesis, cell proliferation, cell cycle, energy metabolism, autophagy, etc. It is increasingly apparent that mTOR deregulation occurs in cancer and metabolism disorders. The transcription factors of downstream of mTOR such as HIF1α, c-Myc, FoxO1, SREBPs, PPARγ/PPARα and TFEB play key roles in regulating the metabolism of glucose and lipid.

Key words: mTOR, glucose metabolism, lipid metabolism, transcription factor
