基础医学与临床 ›› 2012, Vol. 32 ›› Issue (11): 1342-1348.

• 研究论文 • 上一篇    下一篇



  1. 武汉科技大学附属天佑医院
  • 收稿日期:2012-09-05 修回日期:2012-09-17 出版日期:2012-11-05 发布日期:2012-10-19
  • 通讯作者: 柯要军 E-mail:aoxuewuhen@139.com

CO2 gas and iodine contrast agent in the Uterine fibroids artery angiography in the double-contrast

  • Received:2012-09-05 Revised:2012-09-17 Online:2012-11-05 Published:2012-10-19
  • Contact: Yao-jun KE E-mail:aoxuewuhen@139.com

摘要: 目的 探讨医用纯CO2气体作为动脉造影剂的成像质量以及临床应用价值。方法 应用超选择性动脉插管技术,将导管分别插入到患者双侧髂内动脉及子宫动脉,采用国产一次性医用CO2气体造影袋行CO2气体动脉造影及碘剂动脉造影。设定造影图像质量评估的基本原则,制定相应图像质量的评估标准及图像质量比较的优良率和有效率两个比值。结果 髂内动脉造影:CO2气体图像质量优良率及有效率均略逊于碘剂造影。子宫动脉造影:CO2气体造影图像的有效率不及碘剂但图像的优良率明显优于碘剂。结论 CO2气体用作动脉造影剂在盆腔血管的使用上是安全的,图像质量令人满意,完全可以满足诊断要求,在临床上具有较大推广价值。

关键词: 二氧化碳, 碘剂, 子宫肌瘤, 动脉造影

Abstract: Objective To understand the medical pure carbon dioxide gas as a contrast agent arterial image quality and clinical value. Method Application of super-selective arterial catheterization, the catheter was inserted into the internal iliac artery and in patients with uterine artery, The use of one-time medical carbon dioxide bags for carbon dioxide angiography and use iodine for angiography. Set the basic principles of image quality assessment, Develop appropriate standards for image quality assessment and two ratio of image quality rate and image efficient image. Results Internal iliac artery angiography: image quality rate and image efficient image of carbon dioxide less iodine. Uterine artery angiography: image efficient image of carbon dioxide less iodine. image quality rate of carbon dioxide better than iodine. Conclusion carbon dioxide used as contrast agents in the use of pelvic blood vessels are safe , the obtained image quality is satisfactory , fully meet the diagnostic requirements, have greater promotion of clinical value.

Key words: Carbon dioxide, Iodine, Uterine fibroids, Arteriography
