基础医学与临床 ›› 2008, Vol. 28 ›› Issue (12): 1283-1287.

• 研究论文 • 上一篇    下一篇


董献文 胡祁生   

  1. 上海中医药大学中西医结合生理教研室 武汉大学医学院生理系
  • 收稿日期:2008-02-28 修回日期:2008-04-09 出版日期:2008-12-25 发布日期:2008-12-25
  • 通讯作者: 董献文

Hippocampal theta oscillation involved in antiepilepsy Effects of vagus nerve stimulation

Xian-wen DONG, Qi-sheng HU   

  1. Dep. of Physiology, Traditional Medical College of Shanghai University Dep. of Physiology Medical College, Wu han University
  • Received:2008-02-28 Revised:2008-04-09 Online:2008-12-25 Published:2008-12-25
  • Contact: Xian-wen DONG,

摘要: 目的 观察弱电刺激迷走神经中枢端对正常及痫样放电大鼠海马CA1区细胞放电及场电的影响。方法 SD雄性大鼠55只(150~250g), SPF级。分对照组45只和青霉素致规则痫样放电组10只。第一组分离其颈部左侧迷走神经,结扎外周端,弱电(10Hz,0.5ms,1.5~5.0V,15~20个/串)刺激迷走神经,每5min刺激1次,共20次。记录右侧海马CA1细胞放电及双侧海马CA1场电。第二组是在第一组的方法中用浸有青霉素钠溶液的明胶海绵(400u~600u∕mm3)置于左侧皮层诱发痫样放电,待稳定30min后进行实验。结果 第一组大鼠双侧场电出现3~6.5Hz 的周期性theta电振荡(38/45,84.4%),伴有theta-on (n=30) 和theta-off(n=5)两种形式细胞放电。第二组大鼠痫样放电尖波电压幅度降低,尖波间隔延长(n=10)。痫样放电尖波间隔出现theta振荡,伴细胞紧张性放电(n=10)。细胞放电的动作电位个数与痫样放电尖波间隔呈正相关(p<0.001 ),与痫样放电尖波电压降无相关性。结论 海马theta振荡可能参与迷走神经刺激术抗癫痫作用,海马 theta-on细胞可能参与抑制癫痫发生频率。

关键词: 神经网络, theta振荡, 迷走神经, 海马, 癫痫, 大鼠

Abstract: Objective To study the effects of acute weak vagus nerve stimulation on hippocampal CA1 unit discharges and field potentials of normal and epileptiform discharging rats. Methods The experiments were performed on 55 male Sprague-Dawley rats weighing 180-250g, SPF grade. All the animals were divided into normal (n=45) 基金项目:上海市优秀青年教师科研基金(2006A-74) * 通讯作者:xianwen2004@yahoo.com.cn and regularly epileptiform discharging (n=10) groups. The normal rat group: Separate the left neck vagus nerve and ligate the peripheral end. Acute weak electrical stimulation (10Hz, 0.5ms, 1.5-5.0V, 15-20 unit /train) were administered to the left neck vagus nerve central end. Once every five minutes, 20 trains in all. Record the unit discharges of right hippocampal CA1 and field potentials of bilateral hippocampal CA1. The epileptiform discharging group: Gelatin spongia contains penicillin(400u~600u∕mm3) was put onto the left cortex to induce epileptiform discharges. After 30min stable regularly discharging, continue with the procedure in the first group. Results Cyclical theta oscillation (about 3-6.5Hz) appeared in bilateral hippocampal CA1 of normal rats after the stimulation (strain m=5-7, 38/45,84.4%). With the oscillation, there is unit discharging. It has two kinds: theta-on (n=30) and theta-off (n=5). The sharp wave amplitude can be inhibited while the sharp wave interval increased following the acute weak vagus nerve stimulation(n=10) in epileptiform discharging rats. Theta oscillation was induced during the sharp wave. With the oscillation, there is tonic unit discharging (n=10). The number of action potential spikes positively correlate with the sharp wave intervals (p<0.001), but there were no correlation with the sharp wave potential amplitude. Conclusion The inhibition of epileptiform activity by the acute weak stimulation maybe due to the appearing of theta oscillation. The theta-on cell is very important to the field sharp waves frequency inhibition.

Key words: neural network, theta oscillation, vagus nerve, hippocampus, epilepsy, rat