基础医学与临床 ›› 2008, Vol. 28 ›› Issue (7): 772-773.

• 研究短文 • 上一篇    下一篇


韩丽英 信栓力 刘凡 李志梅 白晓敏   

  1. 邯郸市第一医院 邯郸市第一医院 河北医科大学第二医院 邯郸市第一医院 邯郸市第一医院
  • 收稿日期:2007-08-08 修回日期:2008-02-01 出版日期:2008-07-25 发布日期:2008-07-25
  • 通讯作者: 刘凡

The Experimental Study of Radiofrequency Catheter Ablating at Coronary Sinus Ostium

Li-yin HAN, Shuan-li XIN, Fan LIU, Zhi-mei LI, Xiao-min BAI   

  • Received:2007-08-08 Revised:2008-02-01 Online:2008-07-25 Published:2008-07-25
  • Contact: Fan LIU,

摘要: 摘要: 目的 探讨冠状静脉窦口(coronary sinus ostium, CSO)周围射频消融房室结慢径损伤的病理学特点以及消融能量与损伤范围的关系。方法20只约克猪随机分为实验组及对照组,对实验组采用30W功率以不同时间射频消融CSO周围,光镜观察局部组织病理学改变,统计学方法分析消融能量与损伤范围的关系。对照组麻醉后处死作空白对照。结果 射频消融病灶呈分界清楚的限局性损伤,采用30W功率消融,10S和20S时损伤的面积无明显差异(p>0.05),消融30S及以上时损伤面积明显增大(p<0.05),消融20S及以上时损伤的深度较10S时明显加深(p<0.05)。在300~2400焦耳范围内,消融损伤面积与消融能量两者呈直线正相关关系(r=0.9758,P<0.05);损伤深度与消融能量无明显相关关系。结论 CSO周围射频消融房室结慢径, 10~20S以上损伤范围明显增加;300~2400焦耳范围内损伤面积随消融能量的增加而增大。

关键词: 冠状静脉窦口, 房室结慢径, 射频消融, 心肌损伤,

Abstract: Objective To study the histopathological change in the radiofrequency cather ablation(RFCA) region adjacent to Coronary Sinus Ostium (CSO) and the correlation between the amount of energy and the size of jeopardized lesions after ablation. Methods Twenty Yorkshire pigs were randomized into control group and experimental group. Pigs of experimental group were ablated with 30W for different time and the control group was euthanasized as blank control.Observe the histopathol- oical change in the ablated region with light microscope, statistically analyzed the correlation between the amount of RFCA energy and the size of lesions. Results The ablation targes were localised lesions, there was no significant difference in area between 10S and 20S group when ablated with power of 30W(p>0.05). The injured area was significantly increased when the ablation time extended to 30s and more(p<0.05). The depth of RFCA lesions would be significantly deeper than that of 10s when the time extended to 20s and more(p<0.05), while the depth of RFCA lesions had no linear correlation with the amount of energy. Conclusions The injured size near CSO was significantly increased when the discharging time extended to 10S or 20S and the lesion area would correspendingly increase with the energy which ranged from 300J to 2400J.

Key words: coronary sinus ostium, atrioventricular node slow-pathway, radiofrequency catheter ablation, myo- cardium lesion, pig