

中国药学杂志 ›› 2017, Vol. 52 ›› Issue (17) : 1493-1496.

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中国药学杂志 ›› 2017, Vol. 52 ›› Issue (17) : 1493-1496. DOI: 10.11669/cpj.2017.17.004


  • 李耀利,王梦达,尚明英,蔡少青*
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Fingerprint Analysis of Chemical Constituents of Swertia patens

  • LI Yao-li, WANG Meng-da, SHANG Ming-ying, CAI Shao-qing*
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目的 研究青叶胆常见市场习用品斜茎獐牙菜的化学成分指纹图谱,并比较斜茎獐牙菜与正品青叶胆(弥勒獐牙菜)的主要成分差异,为药材品种鉴定、寻找青叶胆替代品提供依据。方法 采用HPLC方法,测定了12 份斜茎獐牙菜的指纹图谱,确定了13个色谱峰作为共有峰;运用该方法比较了斜茎獐牙菜与弥勒獐牙菜指纹图谱的差异,通过相似度评价和聚类分析对图谱数据进行分析。结果 测定了12批斜茎獐牙菜样品、5批弥勒獐牙菜样品,种内和种间相似度结果均大于0.94,相似程度高。结论 所测定的12批斜茎獐牙菜样品具有很高的相似度,与药典规定正品青叶胆样品也具有高的相似度,斜茎獐牙菜具有替代药典规定正品青叶胆使用的可能性。


OBJECTIVE To study the HPLC fingerprint of Swertia patens, the most commonly used substitute of Swertiae Mileensis Herba recorded in Chinese Pharmacopoeia, compare the major chemical constituents between the two kinds of herbs, and provide scientific evidence for their identification and quality control. METHODS HPLC fingerprint method was used to analyze 12 batches of S. patens and 5 batches of Swertiae Mileensis Herba. Similarity evaluation method and clustering analysis method were introduced to compare the HPLC chromatograms of them. RESULTS The repetition,stability, and precision of the fingerprint method were good. A total of 13 common peaks were confirmed. The similarities of the chromatograms of 17 batches of Swertia were greater than 0.94. CONCLUSION Different batches of S. patens and Swertiae Mileensis Herba have high similarity. It is possible for S. patens to take place of Swertiae Mileensis Herba.


斜茎獐牙菜 / 青叶胆 / 高效液相色谱法 / 指纹图谱

Key words

Swertia patens / Swertiae Mileensis Herba / HPLC / fingerprint


李耀利,王梦达,尚明英,蔡少青. 斜茎獐牙菜化学成分指纹图谱研究[J]. 中国药学杂志, 2017, 52(17): 1493-1496 https://doi.org/10.11669/cpj.2017.17.004
LI Yao-li, WANG Meng-da, SHANG Ming-ying, CAI Shao-qing. Fingerprint Analysis of Chemical Constituents of Swertia patens[J]. Chinese Pharmaceutical Journal, 2017, 52(17): 1493-1496 https://doi.org/10.11669/cpj.2017.17.004
中图分类号: R284   


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